Reduction of methane emissions from pig manure storage tanks – a pre-study:
Greenhouse gases are known to contribute to global warming. Among these CO2 and methane are well known to be major contributors to the greenhouse gas effect. While CO2 is the most commonly known to most people, methane has a global warming potential that is 28 times as potent as CO2, according to the European Commission. Agriculture produces a significant amount of methane, and the majority is emitted from point emission sources – like manure storage.
In this project, BBK and Aalborg University (AAU), seeks to reduce the emissions of methane from pig manure storage tanks. The goal is to develop a product that will serve as a cost-effective and compact solution that will help farmers reduce their environmental impact, leading to a more sustainable future.
This pre-study has been made possible with the support of Forening Plan Danmark, which will enable BBK and AAU to verify our results. We are looking forward to sharing more information about this project in the near future. Stay tuned…
BBK spearheads EU project for odor-free biogas plants
IoT platform for biogas plants paves the way for wider adoption
Biogas technology has huge potential in Denmark and globally as it provides green energy and nutrient recycling. Unfortunately, the plants often cause odor nuisance, especially from the toxic hydrogen sulfide, H2S, and this is a major barrier to a wider spread than today. H2S odors occur at peak loads and high concentrations. The high hydrogen sulphide concentrations are lowered in a BBK pre-filter before being led to the biofilter.
BBK is the project owner and has built a biofilter plant together with a test section at the Foulum biogas plant. In collaboration with a number of partners and Aarhus University, we are investigating and testing technologies to reduce H2S levels and make pre-cleaning more efficient. The aim is to avoid high concentrations of H2S so that biofilters can function efficiently and protect against odor nuisance from biogas plants. An important part of the project is a new IoT-based sensor and control platform for optimizing the operation of biogas plants.
In the longer term, BBK expects the project to reduce the cost price and operating costs of biofilters, create more efficient biofilters and contribute to the optimization of biogas plant operations. For the biogas industry, it solves an environmental problem and opens up new markets and more exports.
Partners: BBK (project owner), Nature Energy, Consibio and Aarhus University
Wastewater plants minimize harmful hydrogen sulfide with BBK
Digital technology optimizes cleanup and minimizes hydrogen sulfide damage
Hydrogen sulfide is dangerous and harmful in wastewater pipes and is often removed with expensive chemicals. Above ground it causes strong odors and is dangerous to personnel, below ground it is harmful to concrete pipes and facilities. Preventing the formation of hydrogen sulphide solves many problems.
In this development project, we will minimize the occurrence of H2S with digital control combined with physical purification and BBK biofilters scaled to the smaller pumping stations.
With one unified digital platform and IoT-based sensors in a cloud solution, we seek to capture larger fluctuations by controlling precipitation chemistry so as not to exceed the capacity of the biofilters.
BBK’s role is to scale down biofilters to smaller sizes and contribute to a plug’n play solution that can be deployed in all types of wastewater pumping stations. This gives BBK more standard filters to offer customers (at a competitive price).
In the wastewater industry, you get rid of an environmental problem and increase the lifespan of plants.
Partners: Consibio (Project owners), BBK, Svendborg Motorværksted, SWECO, FFV Energi & Miljø, Hedensted Spildevand and Vand & Affald Svendborg
Better and cheaper inoculation bacteria for innovative odor filters from BBK
DNA technology creates designer bacteria with rapid effect on odors
EU requirements for reducing odor nuisance in various industries make efficient biofilters even more necessary. Biofilters need to be inoculated with specific bacteria that remove harmful odors. It can be difficult to find the right bacterial cultures, which can also be expensive to purchase and enable efficient operation. Solving this will strengthen biofilters as a key technology (in the green industry).
BBK is therefore part of a project to develop a unique propagation technology with great international potential. The project combines the latest knowledge about odor-reducing bacteria with DNA technology. This insight into microbes and odorants in different industries can be used to design inoculation material for BBK’s own biofilters. Samples are collected for analysis and comparison with the current bacteria to ensure the right choice of cultures. Next, a propagation technology must be developed that can be scaled up to industrial production.
The ambition is that BBK biofilters in the future can be supplied with their own bacterial cultures, targeted to the specific industry. This has the potential to reach thousands of European customers and gives BBK a strong competitive position.
Partners: BBK (project owner) and Danish Technological Institute.